Friday, 4 January 2008

It lives!

Today I came out of hibernation.

I was up, showered and actually dressed before midday. Alright, so it was 2 minutes before midday but I still managed it. Small victories okay?

I left the house. For the first time since Tuesday at 705pm I ventured outside. I didn't think my legs were going to work or I thought that my lungs had become accustomed to the oxygen in my house that I might be incapable of breathing real air again - but somehow I survived it.

I trekked out into Wombletown and braved the shops. Unfortunately my depleted bank balanced didn't allow me to buy much but I did manage pick up a truly adorable pink wallet and cute hat that shall protect my ears from the cold.

I did however make the mistake of watching the second last episode of Heroes season 1 before leaving the house - all I could think about was the finale and how desperate I was to know what happened - so what could have been a rather entertaining afternoon out was cut short by my desire to come home, curl up on the couch and finish Heroes.

Oh my god I'm becoming a hermit.



Sweets said...

LOL good one... i feel the same... today for the first time in i don't know how long i actually put on some make-up... ... i was pretty! LOL

i love heroes too!!!

The Divine Miss M said...

Oh I didn't bother with the makeup - I think I scared some small children outside. muahahaha

I might make myself look pretty tomorrow, you know - baby steps and all!

Ruby said...

i had to do the make-up this morning...since I started work and all:-) but least i'm a little psyched for the year to come...this should prove useful in time:-)

The Divine Miss M said...

Ruby - I put on full make-up this morning for the first time in a while. I look pretty again, small children didn't run screaming and some bloke smiled at me.

I think I should always wear make-up ;)

ExMi said...

If watching the entire season of Heroes in one weekend is the symptom of the affliction of Hermitisim - count me in...

cant remember when last i wore make up, when last i wore heels or even when last i bothered with some perfume. dettol shower gel is fragrance enough for me...

Ruby said...

hey!!! how come no blokes winked at me today????? and i'm wearing make-up, heels, fancy clothes and perfume!!!!!

I suppose it might have something to do with the unholy hour I came to work at and the fact that the male presence in my office offers no talent and I don't really count them as blokes??

I'll make sure to get someone to wink at me on the way home!

Lopz said...

So you've decided against going into the office to get paid for doing bugger all then?

The Divine Miss M said...

@lopz - No I'm in the office. Shouldn't have come in though as NOTHING is happening. Fucking off in a minute for an extended lunch break ;)

@ruby - It's probably because I stare at people on the tube and they get nervous so they smile back. I don't look that gorgeous ;)

@expensive mistakes - If I had a new baby I probably wouldn't be wearing make-up nor high heels. If you did then you probably have a nanny to care for the kid. How is that going?

Ruby said...

ah dollface....i'm sure they stare at you for your looks;-) you can't be that scary????

but thanx for the tip...i'll try it in traffic this afternoon...LOL

Elise said...

I think humans should hybernate every winter... The cold makes everyone want to stay at home and watch dvds and drink hot chocolate xx

The Divine Miss M said...

@elise - I am so there with you ... think we could make it happen?