Tuesday, 24 March 2009

High heels are bad for my health

I made a lift faux pas earlier. Apparently touching your colleagues in the lift is not the done thing. In my defense I got a fright and he was comfortable.

Get in the lift at floor 21. One other person in there.

Lift starts rushing down towards the ground

Miss M falls over her own feet whilst in a pair of high heels fullforce in to the lift partner, grabbing him around the waist in the process.

Miss M: EEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK (was a frightning experience ok)

Colleague: It's ok, the lift always goes this fast when it doesn't stop on any other floors

Miss M: I just fell over my high heels

Colleague: I'm sure. I promise you it's ok.

Miss M: I'm fine I promise.

Colleague: Can you please let go of my waist then?

Miss M: Sorry

Least I'm leaving soon so I won't have to be reminded of this experience for months to come.


The Blonde Blogshell said...

Oh good grief! LOL - hopefully you don't have to seem ever again!! Bahaha!!

So...I'm thinking this break in blogging isn't such a good idea! I miss it already! LOL

MidniteGem said...


*points and laughs*



The Divine Miss M said...

@bb - YES COME BACK!!! Ah is ok, he loves me, very gay so doesn't mind :P

@midnightgem - thanks hey ;)

The Blonde Blogshell said...

OK I'm BACK!!!

po said...

you flew!

Miss Tig said...

ick, i hate lifts...and I wear heels all the time (even when walking around Groot Constantia! :-p )
Lucky man, gay or not :-)

Unknown said...

Was he at least a hottie? Did he have a nice, firm waist? He he...

kyknoord said...

A waist is a terrible thing to mind.