Tuesday, 6 May 2008

The day after The Bank Holiday

Waking up this morning was a trial. My eyes were glued shut and did NOT want to open. The funny thing is that I woke up at 0730 yesterday morning quite easily even though I didn't have to be awake. This morning my alarm went off at 0800 and I just couldn't do it. Do you think it is a mental block towards going to work?

Luckily today is another gorgeous day in London and my view out onto the river Thames was just so enticing that I went and met The Queen of Melodrama for lunch on The South Bank in the sunshine. Beautiful.

Work is work. It plods on slowly. Today was exceptionally boring but lots of stuff to do.

I really do pity those people who think that my job is glamorous. Today is one of those days where it is just a tedious office job. Right now some builders are drilling something into the floor above me and I think that my head is going to explode.

The glamour.

I did find out one thing today that has upset me greatly.

The amazing show I was supposed to be working on this year but got held back as they didn't have a presenter has been brought back! But I can't work on it now as I am contracted to this horribly boring show that I'm working on at the moment.


I so wanted to work on the other show.

It would have been glamorous!

There were famous names linked to it!

Oh well. I'm sure I am not on it for a reason.

Whatever that might be.



Sweets said...

the torture!
the glamour!

KaB said...

Well if that's not a reason to stomp your heels or throw your toys out the cot then I don't know what is?!?

Maybe, just maybe, something even more glam is around the corner...hang in there!

Lady Leather said...

aah that is super sucky Miss M!

But like Kab said, maybe theres something even more glamourous around the corner.

*holding thumbs*

Lopz said...

Not to worry chicken, we'll get pissed to drown your sorrows. Am e-mailing you now... must catch up after our interesting weekends!

The Divine Miss M said...

@lopz - I had the best weekend ever :) Yes we must catch up!

@sweets - Swap jobs?

@kab - Ye my manager and I both did and left the office. Stupid drills. They'd better not start again today!

@happy snapper - Let's hope the next show makes me famous ;)

Miss Caught Up said...

There are other opportunities, chica! :)

The Divine Miss M said...

They well might be but I WANTED THAT SHOW!!!


The Blonde Blogshell said...

Ah, so I see that you also know my friend Murphy's Law!! Babe, that sucks!!

But, things do happen for a reason! You just never know...life works in mysterious ways!

PS> I know you are going to just "LOVE" me for this...but tough...YOU'RE TAGGED!! *evil laugh*