Thursday, 10 April 2008

Overheard in the Office

So the other day we were just having some general chatter about the different shows that are going on in our department - we were discussing if they were running smoothly and whether they'll be good TV when this wondeful statement was dropped in.

Miss M: So how is (The Show) going up North?

Production Manager: Apparently it is going quite well. I wouldn't want to be working on it though because a lot of the cases they are following have ended up dying. That must be quite stressful.

Edit Producer: With a totally straight face Well that is good isn't it? Makes for fantastic TV


Miss M: Completely shocked You can't say that!?!? Take it back!

Edit Producer: But it's true. People dying makes for really good viewing. You have to think in those terms Miss M

Production Manager: I hate to admit it but he is right

Miss M: Big sigh Sometimes I wish I worked with sane people

Edit Producer: We are, we just think constructively in TV

My colleagues are sick sick sick people.


Mike said...

Actually, it's people who are the sick ones if that sort of shit brings in the ratings.

The source, eh??? ;)

The Divine Miss M said...

Hey that is so true actually. It is the people I should blame!


Miss Caught Up said...

It's true the public brings in the ratings, but who was the sicko who thought of the idea in the first place?

The Divine Miss M said...

Hey, they aren't making a show about people dying! It just happens that the people are dying and they are filming that. It isn't the premise for the show!

The Blonde Blogshell said...

If it bleeds; it leads! Sick but true!

The Divine Miss M said...

You got it Blondie!

Miss Caught Up said...

Oh, okay. That clears everything up. Yeah, public viewers are sick! :)

Sweets said...

i just sold my tv... i want no part in this...

Unknown said...

Day One of Reporting School:
"Nothing will sell more papers than a car accident, fires, or cute animals. Nothing!"

See it translates to tv...

KaB said...

You would be out of a show if nobody pegged, wouldn't you?!?

No show = no job = no pay = no food = no shelter = no health insurance = dead one day! You'd become a statistic...

Let's hope for your sake, the public keeps up the ratings!

The Divine Miss M said...

@sweets - It's like rubber necking at a crash scene, everyone wants to watch!

@meghan - Yup, crisis's sell it.

@kab - Just to stress AGAIN this is NOT my show and they are not TRYING to kill people it is just that a couple of the people they have been filming with the story lines have died. But it does go with the territory of the show I suppose.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite dead gurus, Hunter S. Thompson, would have loved working with the sickos.

KaB said... was only a joke!

Seriously, I'm sure your lot don't kill folk...haiwenna!

Elise said...

Its mad to think about it like that. I remember a while back when there was so much media coverage of a guy dying on a documentary. Whether it was ethical to show his actually death etc. Whatever people's views were on it, most tuned in to watch it.

People a seriously sick! xx

The Divine Miss M said...

@kab - It's ok, just really have to clarify that as you never know who might be reading! Anyways no one is killing anyone, it is just a documentary.

@nick - I enjoy working with them too, I just can't believe the cold ruthlessness that it was said in.

@elise - I remember that. Was hectic. And no, I didn't watch the show ;)

Amy said...

The title of this post reminded me of one of my favourite websites:

Not really relevant to people dying on TV though...

Amy said...

Damn, I hate how blogger cuts off the URL!

Lady Leather said...

People are sick.
It's like when there's a huge car accident, even though you really don't want to look, people always tend to drive past really slowly, and glarring for a glimpse of the tradegy. Its like we thrive on other people's misfortune. How depressing.

Anonymous said...

People always have a fascination with the macabre. I don't believe it's necessarily a bad thing, because in many ways it helps you to come to terms with your own (inevitable) mortality.