Monday 4 February 2008

3 years on ...

Tomorrow is my third year anniversary of living in London. I am unable to establish whether I am happy or sad about this. What started as a fun idea of running off to London for a while has turned into me actually putting down roots, starting a career and finding myself -3 years down the line - quite settled in this strange city.

I honestly did not expect to enjoy myself so much here, I thought that I might last 1 year or perhaps 2 if I pushed it, but did not expect to find myself building a life out here in London. These days my job is brilliant, I have some truly wonderful friends and I have found a hobby that fulfills my life in the spare time that I have.

For any of you out there who read my blog and think that working in TV seems like the perfect job let me tell you that this has been a long hard struggle to reach the place that I am at. I have worked 18 hour days, I have been paid next to nothing and I have worked contracts only lasting 2 days and then been out of work for another week desperately trying to find something else before my bank balance reached zero.

Which it did. Plenty of times.

I have become heavily in debt trying to chase this silly dream of mine but the in the long run it has all been worth it. The experiences that I have had and the unbridled joy in knowing that I am achieving my dream make every horrid aspect of this job bearable. And let me tell you - the stress has sometimes made me want to give it all up but I guess I'm addicted to the challenge.

TV is not for the fainthearted but it is unlike any job you'll ever have.


phillygirl said...

Tag, you're it.

Since I went thru the trouble of compiling a list of 50 things about myself (okay, 25 ... but I'm still busy with the rest, maybe), I'm now tagging you to do the same :)

Anonymous said...

"I have worked 18 hour days, I have been paid next to nothing" - sounds like a pub job!

Congrats on living the dream! Been there, done that. And it's worth every minute of being skint!

Sweets said...

on some level I envy you but there's no place like home ;-)

The Divine Miss M said...

@phillygirl - you so know that I'm not going to do that! :P

@delboy - Sometimes like a pub job, but less running around! Thanks, and you are so right - it is worth it!

@sweets - There is no place like home :(

Jam said...

You have to do the 50 things! I just spent the greater part of today getting through mine!

The Divine Miss M said...

@msmozi - I have better things to do with my day! :P

Jam said...

Fair enough... I definitely had more pressing things to do... but better - nope :) Ah the joy of procrastination.

The Blonde Blogshell said...

I work in the entertainment/media industry too and I think people always think it's super glam and that we all have secret basements where we keep our millions. It's hysterical!

I LOVE the industry and wouldn't change it for the world!

So glad you've enjoyed London...I just don't know if I'd cope with the weather to be honest! I'm one of those who really DOES get affected by the weather.

Happy Anniversary ;-)

The Divine Miss M said...

@mozi - I procrastinate by having extensive email conversations with an IT boy from downstairs via email. It's getting stupid now ;)

@blonde - Ye, you kind of get used to the weather and start complaining that 25 is too hot.

Oh my god I'm turning English! EEEKK!!!

Naah, seriously, London living can be great and for working in this industry it is frikken fantastic :)

Anonymous said...

"...unlike any job you'll ever have..." I may have an inkling: I used to have to scrub pigeon poop off a hangar floor. Oh sure, it sounds glamorous...